[1] `Bayesian Deep Gaussian Processes for Uncertainty Quantification', invited seminar presentation at the Department of Mathematics, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China (Prof. Ling Guo, host), January 9, 2018. (Abstract, Presentation)
[2] `Bayesian Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Uncertainty Quantification and Surrogate Modeling', invited seminar presentation at the Institute for Natural Sciences, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China (Prof. Jingalai Li, host), January 8, 2018. (Abstract, Presentation)
[3] `Bayesian Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Uncertainty Quantification and Surrogate Modeling', invited seminar presentation at the Department of Mathematics, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China (Prof. Ling Guo, host), January 10, 2018. (Abstract, Presentation)
[4] `Bayesian Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Uncertainty Quantification and Surrogate Modeling', invited seminar presentation at the School of Information Science and Technology, Shanghai Tech University, Shanghai, China (Prof. Qifeng Liao, host), January 10, 2018. (Abstract, Presentation)
[5] `Bayesian Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Uncertainty Quantification and Surrogate Modeling', invited seminar presentation at the Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China (Prof. Tao Zhou, host), March 12, 2018. (Abstract, Presentation)
[6] `Bayesian Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Uncertainty Quantification and Surrogate Modeling', invited seminar presentation at the Department of Mathematics, Beihang University, Beijing, China (Prof. Koby Wang, host), March 14, 2018. (Abstract, Presentation)
[7] `Bayesian Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Uncertainty Quantification and Surrogate Modeling', invited seminar presentation at the Institute for Computational Sciences and Engineering (ICES), University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas (Prof. Tan Bui, host), April 5, 2018. (Abstract, Presentation)
[1] `Uncertainty Quantification in Multiscale Materials Modeling', invited seminar presentation at the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Prof. Wei Chen, host), Evanston, IL, January 26, 2017. (Abstract, Presentation)
[2] `Uncertainty Quantification in Multiscale Simulations', invited seminar presentation at the "Frontiers in Computing Lecture Series", Pasific Northwest National Laboratory, February 9th, 2017. (Abstract, Presentation)
[3] `Multiscale Inverse Problems with an Unknown Scale of Estimation', invited presentation at the "Turing/LMS Workshop on Inverse Problems and Data Science", University of Edinburgh, May 8-10, 2017. (Abstract, Presentation)
[4] `Uncertainty Quantification in Multiscale Materials Modeling', invited seminar presentation at the Departments of Mathematics and Physics at Beihang University, Beijing, China, June 5, 2017. (Abstract, Presentation)
[5] `Uncertainty Quantification in Multiscale Materials Modeling', invited seminar presentation at the Joint Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics Department and the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Arizona, Tuscon, AZ, October 6, 2017. (Abstract, Presentation)
[6] `Deep Convolutional Neural Nets for Surrogate Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification', invited seminat at the Department of Mathematics, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong, China, November 20, 2017. (Abstract, Presentation)
[7] `An Information-Theoretic Approach to Multiscale Materials Modeling and Design Using High-Throughput Data', invited plenary lecture at the First Forum of Materials Geno Engineering, Ghuang Zhou, China, November 22, 2017. (Abstract, Presentation)
[1] `An information theoretic approach to computational modeling in engineering and the sciences' invited seminar at the College of Engineering (Host: Dean Donald J. Leo), University of Georgia, Athens, GA, March 15, 2016. (Abstract)
[2] `Solution of Inverse Problems with Limited Forward Solver Evaluations: A Bayesian Perspective', invited seminar presentation at the Environmental Fluid Dynamics Seminar Series, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences at the University of Notre Dame (Prof.J. Fernando, host), Notre Dame, IN, November 8th, 2016. (Abstract, Presentation)
[3] `Expectation-Propagation, Inference on Factor Graphs and Predictive Multiscale Modeling', invited speaker at the `Uncertainty Quantification for Multiscale Stochastic Systems and Applications', Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, January 19-22, 2016. (Abstract, Presentation)
[4] `Graph-theoretic models for the solution of stochastic multiscale problems', invited seminar presentation at the Department of Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, September 19th, 2016. (Abstract, Presentation)
[5] `Quantifying uncertainties in first principle alloy thermodynamics', invited `Condensed Matter' seminar at the Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, April 19th, 2016. (Abstract, Presentation)
[6] `An information-theoretic approach to computational modeling in engineering and the sciences', invited seminar at the Departments of Mathematics and Statistics, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong, November 17th, 2016. (Abstract, Presentation)
[7] `An information-theoretic approach to computational modeling in engineering and the sciences', invited seminar at the Department of Mathematics, SUS Tech University, Shenzhen, PRC, November 14th, 2016. (Abstract, Presentation)
[8] `An information-theoretic approach to computational modeling in engineering and the sciences', invited seminar at the Institute of Information Science and Technology, Shanghai Tech University, Shanghai, PRC, October 10th, 2016. (Abstract, Presentation)
[9] `An information-theoretic approach to computational modeling in engineering and the sciences', invited seminar at the Institute of Natural Sciences, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, PRC, October 13th, 2016. (Abstract)
[10] `Predictive Coarse Graining', invited plenary talk at Coupled Mathematical Models for Physical and Biological Nanoscale Systems and Their Applications workshop, (organizers: Roderick Melnik, Luis Bonilla, Efthimios Kaxiras), Banff, Alberta, CA, August 28 - September 2, 2016. (Abstract, Presentation)
[11] `Quantifying Uncertainties in First Principles Alloy Thermodynamics', invited talk at the Data Science and Optimal Learning for Materials Discovery and Design, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Santa Fe, NM, May 16-18, 2016. (Abstract, Presentation)
[1] `Predictive Modeling in Science and Engineering', invited presentation at the "Computing Matters" workshop (MidPlus One-Day Workshop) at the Centre for Scientific Computing at the University of Warwick (Profs. Rob Deeth, M. Rodger, R.A. Roemer, organizers), Coventry, UK, January 23, 2015. (Abstract, Presentation)
[2] `Graph-theoretic models for the solution of stochastic multiscale problems', invited seminar presentation at the Joint Probability, Statistics and Scientific Computation Seminar, School of Mathematical Sciences, Nottingham, UK, October 1, 2015. (Abstract, Presentation)
[3] `Materials and Uncertainty: An information theoretic approach', invited presentation at the EPSRC/KTN Workshop on "Uncertainty Quantification and Management in High Value Manufacturing - Exploring the Opportunities", Knowledge Transfer Network, London, UK, June 29-30, 2015. (Presentation)
[6] `A data-driven approach to computational modeling in science and engineering ', invited seminar at the Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, November 19th, 2015. (Presentation)
[7] `Graph-theoretic models for the solution to stochastic multiscale problems', plenary talk at 1st International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering, UNCECOMP2015, ECCOMAS 2015, Crete, Greece, May 25-27, 2015. (Abstract, Presentation)
[8] `A data-driven approach to predictive multiscale materials modeling', invited presentation at the NIST Workshop: UQ in Materials Science (organizer: Igor Levin), January 14-15, 2015. (Abstract, Presentation)
[9] `Graph theoretic models for the solution of stochastic multiscale problems', invited presentation at the TUM/IAS international symposium “Big Data and Predictive Computational Modeling”, TUM-IAS, May 18-21, 2015. (Abstract, Presentation, Video)
[9] `Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification in Alloy Modeling and Design', invited presentation at the INI/Turing Gateway to Mathematics international symposium “Predictive Multiscale Materials Modeling”, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, December 1-4, 2015. (Abstract, Presentation)
[1] `An Information Theoretic Approach towards Predictive Materials Modeling', invited seminar presentation at the Continuum Mechanics Group, Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Technical University of Munich (Prof. P.S. Koutsourelakis, host), Munich, Germany, April 7, 2014. (Abstract, Presentation)
[2] `Overview on Bayesian computational methods for Uncertainty Quantification in Large-scale simulations', invited seminar presentation at the Continuum Mechanics Group, Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Technical University of Munich (Prof. P.S. Koutsourelakis, host), Munich, Germany, April 8, 2014. (Presentation)
[3] `An Information Theoretic Approach towards Predictive Materials Modeling', invited seminar at the Distinguished Lectures Seminar Series at the Scientific Computing and Imaging Center at the University of Utah (Prof. Chris Johnson, host), Salt Lake City, Utah, April 18, 2014. (Presentation)
[4] `An Information Theoretic Approach towards Predictive Materials Modeling', invited seminar at the seminar at the PIRE Workshop, Atomistic and Multi-Scale Models of Materials, at the Mathematics Institute at the University of Warwick (Dr. Christoph Ortner, organizer), Coventry, UK, Sept. 15, 2014. (Abstract, Presentation)
[5] `An Information Theoretic Approach towards Predictive Materials Modeling', invited seminar at the Invited Presentation at the Complexity Forum: at the Centre for Complexity Science at the University of Warwick (Prof. Robert MacKay, host), Coventry, UK, October 15, 2014. (Abstract, Presentation)
[6] `Uncertainty Propagation Using Infinite Mixture of Gaussian Processes and Variational Inference', invited seminar at the Applied Mathematics Seminar Series at the University of Warwick (Prof. Andrew Stuart, host), Coventry, UK, October 17, 2014. (Abstract, Presentation)
[7] `Solution of Inverse Problems with Limited Forward Solver Evaluations: A Bayesian Perspective', invited seminar presentation at the "MiRaW: Reduced Order Models and Applications in Uncertainty Quantification", Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick, UK, November 17, 2014. (Presentation)
[8] `Uncertainty Quantification using an Infinite Mixture of Gaussian Processes', invited seminar at Université Pierre et Marie Curie Campus Jussieu (UPMC) (host: Stéphane Zaleski), Paris, France, November 13, 2014. (Abstract, Presentation)
[9] `Materials and Uncertainty: A Bayesian Perspective', invited keynote speaker at First Rensselaer Workshop on Materials Stochasticity, Rensselaerville, NY, October 24-25, 2014. (Abstract, Presentation)
[1] `A Probabilistic Graphical Model Approach to Uncertainty Quantification', invited presentation at the Workshop: Numerical Methods for Uncertainty Quantification, Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, University of Bonn, Mathematik-Zentrum, Lipschitz Lecture Hall, Endenicher Allee 60, Bonn, Germany, May 16th, 2013. (Abstract, Presentation)
[1] `Uncertainty Quantification in Multiscale Deformation Processes', invited seminar presentation at the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Pittsburgh and the Center for Simulation and Modeling (Prof. Albert To, host), Pittsburgh, PA, January 19, 2012. (Abstract, Presentation)
[2] `Predictive Materials Science: An Information Theoretic Approach', invited seminar presentation at the School of Engineering and Materials Science, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK, February 15, 2012. (Abstract, Presentation)
[3] `Predictive Materials Science: An Information Theoretic Approach', invited seminar presentation at the Pratt School of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Duke University (host Prof. Henri P. Gavin), Durham, NC, February 23, 2012. (Abstract, Presentation)
[4] `A Bayesian Framework for the Solution of High-Dimensional Stochastic PDEs', invited joint seminar presentation at the Texas A & M, Institute of Applied Mathematics and Computational Science and Computer Science and Engineering, 19 March 2012 (Prof. Nancy Amato, host), College Station, Texas, March 19, 2012. (Abstract, Presentation)
[5] `Uncertainty Quantification in Random Heterogeneous Media', invited joint seminar presentation at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University (Prof. Timothy Fisher, host), West Lafayette, IN, April 12, 2012. (Abstract, Presentation)
[6] `Uncertainty Quantification in Heterogeneous Media', invited seminar at the Computer Science and Mathematics Division of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Joint Institute for Computational Sciences (JICS), (host, Dr. Barney Maccabe), Oak Ridge, TN, April 30, 2012. (Abstract, Presentation)
[7] `Uncertainty Quantification and Predictive Modeling of Heterogeneous Media', invited seminar at the Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering, (host, Prof. William R. Hammel), Distinguished Seminar Series, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, May 1, 2012. (Abstract, Presentation)
[8] `A Bayesian Framework for Uncertainty Quantification with High-Dimensional Data-Driven Inputs', invited seminar presentation at the Department of Mathematics, University of South Carolina, Computational Mathematics Colloquium (Prof. Pencho Petrushev, host) and at the Interdisciplinary Mathematics Institute, Columbia, SC, May 8, 2012. (Abstract, Presentation)
[9] `Predictive Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification in Polycrystalline Materials', invited seminar presentation at the Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado, Mechanics and Materials (MaM) Colloquium (Prof. Alireza Doostan, host), Boulder, CO, May 4, 2012. (Abstract, Presentation)
[10] `A Bayesian framework for the Solution of High-Dimensional Stochastic PDEs', invited seminar presentation at the Department of Mathematics, Louisiana State University, Computational Mathematics Colloquium (Prof. Xiaoliang Wan, host) and at the LSU Center for Computation and Technology, Baton Rouge, LA, August 28, 2012. (Abstract)
[11] `Information Theoretic Approach to Predictive Materials Modeling', invited seminar presentation at the National Nuclear Security Administration's Kansas City Plant, Materials Engineering (Dr. Tod M. Neidt, host), Kansas City, KS, September 25, 2012. (Abstract, Presentation)
[12] `Inverse Multiscale Forging Design', invited seminar presentation at the National Nuclear Security Administration's Kansas City Plant, Materials Engineering (Dr. Tod M. Neidt, host), Kansas City, KS, September 25, 2012. (Abstract, Presentation)
[13] `Towards Predictive Materials Science: An Information Theoretic Approach', invited seminar presentation at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (Prof. Ji-Cheng Zhao, host), Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, October 26, 2012.
[1] `Are information sciences based approaches essential to allow predictive modeling of multiscale/multiphysics materials problems', invited presentation at the `Multiscale Materials Modeling Debate' forum (Dr. G. Paulino, organizer) at NSF-CMMI, 2011 NSF Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Atlanta, GA, January 4-7, 2011. (Presentation)
[2] `Probabilistic Prediction of Location-Specific Microstructures in Turbine Disks', invited presentation at ONR (D. Shifler, host), February 22, 2011. (Presentation)
[3] `Model Reduction of Stochastic Systems in Random Heterogeneous Media', plenary lecture at the IAMCS Workshop in Large-Scale Inverse Problems and Uncertainty Quantification, Texas A&M, Department of Mathematics (Prof. Y. Efendiev, host), College Station, February 24, 2011. (Abstract, Presentation)
[4] `Predictive Modeling of Physical Processes in Heterogeneous Materials', invited lecture at the City University of New York (CUNY), PREM Partnership for Research and Education in Materials, CUNY, NY (Prof. Jeffrey Morris, host), April 22, 2011. (Abstract)
[5] `Bayesian Multiscale Estimation', plenary lecture at the The 7th International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering (ICIPE), University of Central Florida in Orlando, Florida, USA, May 4-6, 2011. (Abstract, Presentation)
[6] `Probabilistic Multiscale Fatigue Modeling', AFOSR Computational Mathematics Grantees Meeting, Washington DC, USA, June 1, 2011. (Presentation)
[7] `Uncertainty Quantification and Predictive Modeling in Heterogeneous Media and Polycrystalline Materials', invited lecture at the Uncertainty Quantification and Multiscale Materials Modeling Workshop, LANL Institutes Office, Santa Fe, New Mexico, June 13-15, 2011. (Abstract, Presentation)
[8] `Uncertainty Quantification in Random Heterogeneous Media', invited lecture at the HDA2011, 4th Workshop on High Dimensional Problems, University of Bonn, Germany, June 26-30, 2011. (Abstract, Presentation)
[9] `Multi-output Gaussian Process Regression: Applications to Uncertainty Quantification', invited seminar at the DOE, 2011 Applied Mathematics Review, ASCR, DOE Office of Science, Washington, DC, October 17, 2011. (Abstract, Presentation)
[10] `Bayesian Appraches to Stochastic PDEs', 2011 Annual OSD/AFOSR Uncertainty Quantification MURI review, Providence, RI, October 31, 2011. (Presentation)
[11] `Exploring position dependent property/microstructure relationships in polycrystalline materials using probabilistic graphical models', 2011 Annual OSD/AFOSR Uncertainty Quantification MURI review, Providence, RI, October 31, 2011. (Presentation)
[12] `Inverse Problems and Uncertainty Quantification', invited lecture at the Inverse Problems program at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK, November 6-12, 2011.
[13] `Modeling & Simulation of High Dimensional SPDEs Using Multioutput Local Bayesian Regression Models', invited seminar at the College of Computing, School of Computational Science and Engineering, Georgia Institure of Technology, (host, Prof. Alex Gray), Atlanta, GA, November 18, 2011. (Abstract, Presentation)
[14] `Uncertainty Quantification and Predictive Multiscale Materials Modeling', invited presentation at the United Technologies Research Center, (host, Dr. Andrzej Banaszuk), East Hartford, CT, November 21, 2011. (Abstract, Presentation)
[15] `Multi-Output Local Gaussian Process Regression for the Solution of Stochastic PDEs', plenary lecture at the SCPDE11, The Fourth International Conference on Scientific Computing and Partial Differential Equations, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, December 5-9, 2011. (Abstract, Presentation)
[16] `Modeling and Simulation of High Dimensional SPDEs Using Multi-Output Local Bayesian Regression Models', invited seminar at the Computer Science and Mathematics Division of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, (host, Dr. Clayton Webster), Oak Ridge, TN, December 16, 2011. (Abstract, Presentation)
[1] `Stochastic Modeling in High Dimensional Spaces', invited talk at the Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Department Seminar Series, (host Prof. Karel Matous), Notre Dame, IN, January 12, 2010. (Abstract, Presentation)
[2] `Uncertainty Quantification in Random Heterogeneous Media', invited talk at the Air Force Research Laboratories, Munitions Directorate at Eglin Air Force Base (host Dr. Horie Yasuyuki, CIV USAF AFMC AFRL/RWMER), Eglin, FL, March 29, 2010. (Abstract, Presentation)
[3] `A Dimension Reduction Method for Stochastic PDEs', invited keynote talk at the 3INDAM, Workshop on: " Numerical Solution of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations", Dipartimento di Matematica, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy, May 11, 2010. (Abstract, Presentation)
[4] `Data-Driven Model Reduction of Stochastic Input Models With Applications to Multiscale Materials Modeling', invited keynote talk at the 3INDAM, Workshop on: " Numerical Solution of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations", Dipartimento di Matematica, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy, May 13, 2010. (Abstract, Presentation)
[5] `Model Reduction for Stochastic PDEs', invited talk at the ICMS, Workshop on: " Uncertainty Quantification", International Center for Mathematical Sciences, Edinburgh, Scotland, May 26, 2010. (Abstract, Presentation)
[6] `Uncertainty Quantification in Random Heterogeneous Media', invited talk at the Frontier in UQ Seminar Series at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Fundamental & Computational Sciences, Computational Sciences and Mathematics (host Dr. Guang Lin), Richland, WA, June 7, 2010. (Abstract, Presentation)
[7] `Stochastic Multiscale/Multistage Design of Engine Disks', ONR STTR - Phase I Kick Off Meeting on `Probabilistic Prediction of Location-Specific Microstructure in Turbine Disks', Monday June 28, 2010. (Presentation)
[8] `A Bayesian Approach to Multiscale Estimation and Inverse Problems', keynote lecture at the IPDO2010, Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization Symposium, João Pessoa, Brazil, August 25-27, 2010. (Presentation)
[9] `Analyzing complexity and uncertainty in complex systems using probabilistic graphical networks', invited lecture at the Rolls-Royce Research Center, Indianapolis, IN (Dr. J. Stillinger, host) September 16th, 2010. (Abstract)
[10] `Uncertainty Quantification in Random Heterogeneous Media', invited lecture at the PMEE2010, AFOSR, LLNL, AFRL, DTRA & ARO workshop on Particulate Materials in Extreme Environments, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, September 20-24, 2010. (Abstract, Presentation)
[11] `Uncertainty Quantification in Random Heterogeneous Media', invited lecture at the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department Seminar Series, University of Buffalo (Prof. Abani Patra, host), Buffalo, NY, October 21, 2010. (Abstract)
[12] `Kernel PCA for Stochastic Input Model Reduction', at the 2nd annual review of the OSD/AFOSR/MURI project on `Multi-Scale Fusion of Information for Uncertainty Quantification and Management in Large-Scale Simulations' held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, October 29th, 2010. Presentation)
[13] `A Bayesian Approach to Multiscale Inverse Problems Using Sequential Monte Carlo Method', at the 2nd annual review of the OSD/AFOSR/MURI project on `Multi-Scale Fusion of Information for Uncertainty Quantification and Management in Large-Scale Simulations' held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, October 29th, 2010. (Presentation)
[14] `Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) using deterministic solvers and collocation based approaches in high-stochastic dimensions', at the `Ops Analyst Forum' at the Air Force Research Laboratory Munitions Directorate, https://connect.dco.dod.mil/eglindoe2010 OR Eglin AFB Bldg 1 Rm 220, Eglin AFB, FL, October 31st, 2010 (Teresa English, host). (Abstract, Presentation)
[1] `Uncertainty Quantification and Management in Multiscale Systems', invited seminar at the Laurier Seminar Series in Computational Science and Applied & Statistical Modelling, Faculty of Science, Wilfrid Laurier University (hosts Profs. Roderick Melnik and Ilias Kotsireas), Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, January 29, 2009. (Abstract, Presentation)
[2] `A Bayesian inference approach to inverse problems using an adaptive sparse grid collocation method', invited seminar at the Numerical Analysis Seminar Series, Department of Mathematics and Institute of Computational Engineering and Sciences (ICES), University of Texas at Austin (host Prof. Kui Ren), Austin, Texas, March 11, 2009. (Abstract, Presentation)
[3] `Multiscale stochastic modeling in polycrystalline materials: Challenges, perspectives and open problems', invited presentation at the Stochastic Multiscale Methods: Mathematical Analysis and Algorithms Symposium at the University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles, CA, October 19th, 2009. (Presentation)
[4] `A Stochastic Dimension-Reduction Method for Stochastic PDEs', invited seminar at the Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar Series at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) (host Prof. Tom Hou), Los Angeles, CA, October 19th, 2009. (Abstract, Presentation)
[5] `Stochastic Multiscale Modeling', invited seminar at the OSD/AFOSR MURI Kick-Off Meeting on Uncertainty Quantification, Applied Mathematics, Brown University, Providence, RI, October 30th, 2009. (Presentation)
[6] `Uncertainty Quantification on Random Heterogeneous Materials', invited seminar at the OSD/AFOSR MURI Kick-Off Meeting on Uncertainty Quantification, Applied Mathematics, Brown University, Providence, RI, October 30th, 2009. (Presentation)
[7] `Stochastic modeling in high-dimensional spaces with applications in random heterogeneous media', plenary lecture given at the XXX CILAMCE (Iberian-Latin-American Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering), Armação dos Búzios, RJ, Brazil, November 08th to 11th, 2009. (Abstract, Presentation)
[1] `Modeling stochastic inverse problems using a sparse grid collocation approach', invited seminar at the Environmental Engineering Program, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Connecticut (hosts Prof. Ross C. Bagtzoglou), Storrs, CT, February 8, 2008. (Abstract, Presentation)
[2] `Uncertainty quantification and multiscale modeling and design of complex engineering systems', invited seminar at ANSYS Inc. (host: Dr. Lewis Collins), Lebanon, NH, June 2nd, 2008. (Abstract, Presentation)
[3] `Data-driven model reduction techniques for stochastic PDE systems', invited plenary lecture at the 6th GRACM International Congress in Computational Mechanics, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 19-21, 2008. (Abstract, Presentation).
[4] `Computational techniques for the design of polycrystalline materials', invited seminar at the United Technologies Research Center (host: Dr. Tahany El-Wardany), East Hartford, CT, August 8th, 2008. (Abstract, Presentation)
[5] `Adaptive hierarchical sparse grid collocation for the solution of stochastic differential equations', invited seminar at the Stony Brook Mathematics Department and the Institute for Mathematical Sciences, SUNY at Stony Brook (hosts Prof. Xiangmin (Jim) Jiao), Stony Brook, NY, September 17th, 200. (Abstract, Presentation)
[1] `Computational techniques for materials-by-design', invited seminar at the GE Global Research Center (hosts L. Jiang and R. Sampath), Niskayuna, NY, March 23, 2007. (Abstract, Presentation).
[2] `Multiscale modeling of solidification', invited presentation at the 1st US-France Symposium on Advances in Bridging Scales in Computation From Microstructure to Macro-Scale: Properties of Heterogeneous Materials, Shalimar, FL, March 28-30, 2007. (Abstract, Presentation).
[3] `A sparse grid collocation approach to stochastic inverse problems', invited presentation at the Sandia CSRI Workshop on `Large-Scale Inverse Problems and Quantification of Uncertainty', Santa Fe, New Mexico. September 10--12, 2007 (Presentation).
[4] `Modeling stochastic inverse problems using a sparse grid collocation approach', invited presentation at the Scientific Computing Seminar Series, Applied Mathematics (host G. Em. Karniadakis), Brown University, Providence, RI, November 9, 2007 (Abstract, Presentation).
[1] `Computational techniques for the analysis and robust design of complex engineering systems', invited lecture at the `Complex Systems seminar series' at ExxonMobil R&D, New Jersey, February 22, 2006 (Abstract, Presentation).
[2] `Computational models for stochastic multiscale systems', invited lecture at the Workshop on ``Numerics for Stochastic Differential Equations with Applications'' (organizers Profs. R. Tempone and M. Gunzburger), School of Computational Science & Information Technology, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, February 28 - March 2, 2006 (Abstract, Presentation).
[3] `An information-theoretic approach for property prediction of random microstructures', invited seminar at the Mechanical & Industrial Engineering department, University of Iowa (host Prof. S. Rahman), Iowa City, IA, April 27, 2006 (Abstract, Presentation).
[4] `A level set simulation of dendritic solidification of multi-component alloys', invited seminar at the Computational and Applied Mathematics Seminar series (hosts Profs. Dongbin Xiu & Jie Shen), Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, September 22, 2006 (Abstract, Presentation).
[5] `Stochastic modeling of multiscale systems', invited seminar at the Mechanical Sciences and Engineering `TAM 500 Series' (hosts Profs. G. Paulino and J. W Phillips, co-sponsored by the CEE department), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, September 29, 2006 (Abstract, Presentation).
[1] `A computational statistics and stochastic modeling approach to materials-by-design', Invited lecture at the NSF sponsored symposium on `Probability and Materials: from Nano- to Macro-Scale' (organizer Prof. Lori Graham-Brady), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, January 5-7, 2005 (Abstract, Presentation).
[2] `An information-theoretic approach to multiscale modeling and design of materials', Invited seminar at NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) (host Dr. Jeffrey W. Bullard), Gaithersburg, MD, March 11, 2005 (Abstract, Presentation).
[3] `Computational techniques for materials-by-design', Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, May 5, 2005 (Abstract, Presentation).
[4]`A combined experimental and computational approach for the design of mold surface topography that leads to desired ingot surface and microstructure in Aluminum casting', U.S. Department of Energy-Industrial Technologies Program 2005 Aluminum Annual R&D Portofolio Review, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, October 4-5, 2005 (Presentation: Part I, Part II).
[5] `Mathematical and computational aspects of the control of solidification and crystal growth processes', invited presentation at the `Control of Complex Fluids' workshop, Johann Radon Institute (RICAM), Linz, Austria, October 10-13, 2005 (Abstract, Presentation).
[6] `Materials-by-Design: Mathematical and computational challenges', Institute of Engineering Mechanics (host Prof. G.I. Schueller), Leopold-Franzens University, Innsbruck, Austria, October 14, 2005 (Abstract, Presentation).
[1] `A computational approach to materials-by-design', Lehigh University, Materials Science and Engineering (host: Prof. Wojciech Z. Misiolek), Bethlehem, PA, January 27, 2004. (Abstract)
[2] `Microstructure-sensitive design of polycrystal materials', Duke University, Invited seminar in Civil and Environmental Engineering (hosts: Professors T. Laursen and J. Dolbow), Durham, NC, February 23, 2004. (Abstract)
[3] `Data-driven computational statistics and stochastic techniques for the robust design of continuum systems', Invited keynote lecture at the Inverse problems, design and optimization (IPDO) symposium, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, March 17-19, 2004. (Abstract, Presentation)
[4] `Materials-by-design: A multi-length scale approach', Invited seminar at COPPE - Universidade Federal do rio de Janeiro (host: Prof. Fernando A. Rochinha), Brazil, March 22, 2004. (Abstract, Presentation)
[5] `On the control of crystal growth processes using magnetic fields and magnetic field gradients', Invited keynote lecture at FLOWCOMAG, International workshop on Flow Control by Tailored Magnetic Fields, Dresden, Germany, April 1-2, 2004. (Abstract, Presentation)
[6] `Statistical learning techniques for microstructure classification and representation with applications in materials design', Invited lecture at the Army Research Office/Georgia Tech Workshop on Inverse Techniques in Materials Design (organizers A. M. Rajendran, D. Stepp, H. Garmestani & D. McDowell), Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, April 26-28, 2004. (Presentation).
[7] `A multilength scale approach to materials using stochastic and computational statistics techniques', Invited lecture at the NSF sponsored US-South America Workshop in Mechanics and Advanced Materials, (organizers G. Paulino, H. D. Espinosa, F. A. Rochinha and N. A. Dumont), Hotel Caesar Park, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil August 2-6, 2004 (Abstract, Presentation).
[8] `Stochastic, computational statistics and statistical learning techniques for multiscale modeling of continuum systems', Invited lecture at the 3nd Department of Energy Multiscale Mathematics Workshop, (organizers: Dr. M. A. Khaleel, Prof. J. Dolbow, Prof. J. Mitchell), Portland Marriott, Portland, Oregon, September 21-23, 2004. (Abstract)
[9] `A computational statistics and stochastic modeling approach to multiscale modeling and design of materials', Invited lecture at the `Multiscale Model Development and Control Design Closing Workshop', (organizer: Prof. R. Smith), Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute, Research Triangle Park, NC, September 27-28, 2004. (Abstract)
[10] `Computational techniques for the development of materials-by-design', Iowa State University, Department of Mechanical Engineering (host: Prof. Abhijit Chandra), Ames, IA, October 1st, 2004. (Abstract)
[11] `A combined experimental and computational approach for the design of mold surface topography that leads to desired ingot surface and microstructure in Aluminum casting', U.S. Department of Energy-Industrial Technologies Program 2004 Aluminum Annual R&D Portofolio Review, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, October 19-20, 2004. (Presentation)
[1] `Simulation matching and model estimation using statistical learning techniques', Advanced Mechanical Technologies, GE Global Research Center (hosts: Dr. R. Irani), Niskayuna, NY, January 22, 2003. (Presentation)
[2] `Computational design of deformation processes for an accelerated insertion of materials', Keynote presentation at COMPLAS 2003, VII International Conference on Computational Plasticity, Barcelona, Spain, April 7--10, 2003. (Abstract)
[3] `Computational multilength scale design of deformation processes: Towards an accelerated insertion of materials', Air Force Research Laboratory, AFRL/MLLM (host: Dr. Rollie Dutton), Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, July 21, 2003. (Abstract, Presentation)
[4] `A combined experimental and computational approach for the design of mold surface topography that leads to desired ingot surface and microstructure in Aluminum casting', U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Aluminum Industry of The Future (IOF) Portfolio Review, Lexington, KY, November 11-12, 2003. (Presentation)
[5] ` Uncertainty quantification in materials processing', invited keynote lecture in `Elements of Predictability Workshop', Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, November 13-14, 2003 (organized by R. Ghanem, J. Red-Horse & S. Wojtkiewicz). (Presentation)
[6] `Computational design of deformation processes for an accelerated insertion of materials', Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Joint seminar in the Departments of Mechanical and Materials Engineering (hosts: Prof. M. A. Demetriou & Prof. Diran Apelian), Worcester, MA, November 21, 2003. (Abstract)
[1] `Computational design of materials processes', invited seminar at the Mechanical Engineering Department of Michigan State University (host: Steve Shaw), East Lansing, MI, February 5, 2002. (Abstract)
[2] `Inverse problems in thermal transport systems', invited seminar at the Mathematical Sciences Institute of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (hosts: Professors J. McLaughlin and A. Maniatty), Troy, NY, April 4th, 2002. (Abstract)
[3] `Summary of research activities at the Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory', General Electric Global Research and Development Center (hosts: Dr. Harindra Rajiyah), Schenectady, NY, April 5th, 2002. (Presentation)
[4] `Computational design methods for an accelerated insertion of materials', Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (hosts: Dr. Ney Augusto Dumont), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 16th, 2002. (Abstract)
[1] `Computational Design of Materials Processes', Joint seminar at the Purdue Heat Transfer Seminar Series and the Materials Engineering Seminar, Purdue University (host: Matthew JM Krane), West Lafayette, IN, March 29, 2001. (Abstract)
[2] `Gradient Optimization Techniques for the Design of Multi-Stage Deformation Processes', Forging Supplier Initiative Technology Management Review, AFRL (host G. Frazier), Dayton, OH, April 23, 2001. (Presentation)
[3] `Recent Advances in the Development of Computational Design Simulators for Deformation and Solidification Processes', Alcoa Laboratories (host Paul Wang), Alcoa Center, PA, July 17, 2001. (Abstract, Presentation)
[4] `A virtual environment for the robust design of multi-stage materials processes in the presence of uncertainty', Invited speaker to the DARPA Workshop on `Treatment of uncertainty and error propagation in modeling, simulation, experiments and optimization', in support of the `Accelerated Insertion of Materials (AIM) program' (host Marc Jacobs, AFOSR), Annapolis, MD, August 27-28, 2001. (Abstract, Presentation)
[1] `Towards the design and control of solidification processes with desired microstructures', ACCESS e.V., (host: Dr. Gottfried Laschet), Aachen, Germany, August 18, 2000. (Abstract)
[2] `Computational techniques for the design of material processes', Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Cornell University (host: Prof. J. Burns), Ithaca, NY, October 11, 2000. (Abstract)
[1] `Inverse design, control and optimization of metal forming processes', Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Materials and Manufacturing Directorate (hosts: G. Frazier and J. Malas), Dayton, OH, January 22, 1999.
[2] `Advanced inverse techniques for the design of complex systems with applications to materials processing', Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (host: Spiros Dimolitsas), Livermore, CA, February 8, 1999.
[3] `Computational techniques for the design of material processes', Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Pittsburgh (host: Roy Marangoni), Pittsburgh, PA, April 6, 1999.
[4] `On the design of continuum systems with applications to solidification and forming processes', Department of Mechanical Engineering, Louisiana State University (host: Dennis Webster), Baton Rouge, LA, May 10, 1999.
[5] `On the design of multi-stage forging processes using optimization techniques and sensitivity analysis', General Electric, Corporate Research and Development (host: Shesh Srivatsa, GEAE), Schenectady, NY, August 26, 1999.
[6] `Towards the design and control of solidification processes with desired microstructures', Alcoa Laboratories, (host: Jamal Righi), Alcoa Center, PA, September 22, 1999.
[7] `On the development of a general purpose design simulator for bulk forming processes', Alcoa Laboratories (host: Paul Wang), Alcoa Center, PA, September 23, 1999.
[8] `Mathematical techniques for the design and control of material processes', California Institute of Technology, Control and Dynamical Systems Department (host: Hinke Osinga), Pasadena, CA, October 25, 1999. (Abstract)
[1]`On the design and control of forming and solidification processes' (host: Martin Raynaud), INSA de Lyon, Lyon, France, June 1, 1998.
[2] `An object oriented environment for the analysis, design and control of material processes', invited speaker at SciTools'98++ (host: Are Magnus Bruaset), Oslo, Norway, September 14--16, 1998. (Abstract)
[3] `On the control of continuum systems with applications to deformation processing', Division of Applied Mechanics, Department of Mathematics, University of Oslo (host: Hans Petter Langtangen), Oslo, Norway, September 17, 1998.
[4] `An object-oriented framework for the design and control of complex continuum systems with applications to materials processing', Department of Mathematics, Virginia Tech (hosts: J. Borggaard and J. Burns), Blacksubrg, VA, November 17, 1998.
[5] `Melt flow control in directional solidification processes', Alcoa Laboratories (host: Owen Richmond), Alcoa Center, PA, December 9, 1998.
[6] `A continuum Lagrangian sensitivity analysis for the design of metal forming processes', Alcoa Laboratories (host: Owen Richmond), Alcoa Center, PA, December 10, 1998.
[1] `Continuum sensitivity analyses and adjoint algorithms for the design and control of material processes', invited speaker at the Air Force Optimum Design and Control Symposium (host: J. Burns), Washington, D.C., September 30 -- October 3, 1997.
[2] `Thermomechanical analysis, design and control of directional solidification processes' (host: Jean Francois Hetu), Industrial Materials Institute, National Research Council of Canada, Boucherville, Canada, December 11, 1997.
[3] `Challenges in the simulation, design and control of solidification and forming processes', invited speaker in the Workshop on Materials Modeling, Centre de Recherche en Calcul Applique (CERCA) (host: Alain Rochefort), Montreal, Canada, December 12, 1997.
[1] `Inverse and design problems in materials processing', invited speaker at Laboratoire de Mecanique des Solides, Ecole Polytechnique, (host: M. Bonnett), Palaiseau, France, June 7, 1996.
[2] `Inverse problems in materials processing', invited speaker at the Numerical Analysis Seminar organized by the Advanced Computing Research Institute and Center for Applied Mathematics (host: T. Coleman), Cornell University, September 16, 1996.